Whether you are camping in the wild or spending some time with friends at a campground, there is a good chance that you’re going to need to know how to start a fire. To do this, you’re going to need fuel, something to ignite a spark and tinder to help it catch more easily.
Tinder is something that is designed to be combustible, so it’s going to be important to have on hand.
In this guide, we’re going to take a look at five tinder fire options that you can use so that you can find the best tinder for fire starting.
Best Tinder for Fire Reviews
1. TinderQuik Firestarting Tabs
The first product that we are going to look at in this guide is a tinder that is designed from braided cotton. The cotton is small and lightweight, and it only needs to be pulled apart slightly to ignite it. It will work well with any type of lighter, matches, striker, or a starter. Once the tinder is lit, it will burn for about 60 seconds.
This is a tool that is often included in survival food kits that professional pilots and military personnel receive if there is a possibility of a survival situation. These cotton tinders are designed to be waterproof and windproof, which will make them easier to light in adverse conditions. This package comes with 50 tabs that can be used over time, so you will have plenty of tinder for a season of camping.
2. Emergency Fire Starting Magnesium Bags
The next product that we are going to look at in this guide is bags full of magnesium. The magnesium is shaved, shreds and chipped to make it a more convenient size for starting a fire. This package comes with six bags, all of which are resealable so that they can easily be saved to be used at another time. The bags are about 3 inches long and 2.5 inches wide, which makes them small enough to carry in your edc backpack as you’re hiking.
This material is designed to start fires quickly, and it will even work well when the ground is wet outside. This magnesium is designed to burn at about 75% hotter than most other tinder material; in fact, it will burn at approximately 4,000 degrees Fahrenheit in most conditions.
3. UST WetFire Tinder
The next product, which is the UST WetFire Tinder, is a very versatile option that can be used with any type of starter. Each package is only about ¾ of an inch high and wide. In fact, the small packaging for each cube is only about 0.16 ounces in weight, so it will not take up too much space in your survival pack. These lightweight tinder options are also very safe to use because they work well in most weather conditions. In fact, they’re designed to light easily in the rain, the wind, and other inclement weather.
Inside each package, there is a small cube that you can use to light your fire. Ideally, the tinder on the cube will be scratched off into a pile so that it can quickly start a fire. Once the spark ignites, it will only take a small amount of tinder for a fire to start. Once it starts, the fire will easily burn for five minutes or longer without adding any kindling to it.
4. Phone Skope Pyro Putty
If you’re looking for a product that is very simple to use, then this putty is an option for any time of the year. It comes in three different color options that will work best at different times of the year because of the temperature change from season to season. Blue is designed to be used in the wintertime, while orange is made for the high temperatures of the summer. Green is also an option that will work at any time of the year.
Each tin is designed to work well for multiple fires, and it will even help you to make a fire in wet conditions. When the weather is dry outside, the tin can be used to make up to 30 fires; however, when it’s wet, it may only last for about 12 fires because you will need to use more putty. Once the tinder sparks, a piece that is only about the size of a quarter is likely to burn for more than 15 minutes.
5. Fatwood Natural Firestarter Sticks
The final product that we’re going to look at in this guide is one that’s designed to use fatwood, which is a very flammable product when its used correctly. Each one of these kits is made by hand when it’s ordered so that nothing is missing inside of the package.
The kit is designed to come with a Ferro rod that’s designed to strike against the included striker over 1,000 times. This rod can be black, gray or blue in color. The kit also comes complete with a bag that’s filled with dust and small chips from the wood as well as several fatwood sticks that have been cut by hand. To help the fire catch quickly, there is also a 45-inch piece of jute that has been thoroughly soaked in soy wax.
What Makes Good Tinder?
Tinder is something that you can use in the wilderness survival kits because it catches fire more easily that the wood that you’re going to want to use for the actual fire. There are a lot of options that can be used as tinder; in fact, some can even be found in nature.
All tinder will need to be a dead material that’s going to catch fire quickly. It cannot be rotten wood or a similar item because the decomposing part of the wood is likely to lose the fuel that you’re looking to use. Anything that you find in the great outdoors will also need to be dry. Wood that has been sitting in the rain or a wet area is not likely to burn well.
Dry tinder is the only option that will start the fire quickly and easily every time. In addition, tinder that is light and airy is going to be one of the better options to select as well.
The fluffiness that’s created by this type of material will cover more of the surface area so that it can easily ignite.
Best Tinder for Fire
There are a lot of different options that you can find to use as tinder to start a fire, but some of the most common options can be found right in nature if you’re willing to take the time to look for it. Some options that you can look for when you’re camping include:
Tinder Fungus
This is a material that grows on the underside of the bark of the Birch tree. The fungus actually has a light brown color and a texture that resembles what you would expect to find in a cork. Because the fungus is so airy, it will easily crumble into a powder that you can use to start a fire.
Tree Bark
If you have a knife, you will be able to shave some of the inner bark off of a tree to use. This bark from a birch tree will easily catch fire, and it will even work well when the wood is somewhat wet. The oils in the tree bark of other trees like cedar will also work well.
Grass that is dry can easily be rolled into a ball and used as tinder. If you use the grass and the tree bark shavings together, you are likely to get a good spark in no time. Wet, growing grass will not work though, so try to find a patch of grass that’s turning brown to use as tinder.
Pine Needles
Pine needles rarely maintain moisture, even when they are in the rain for an extended period of time.If you are attempting to use kindling to light the fire, some pine needles may work well to allow the fire to have the air circulation that it needs to grow into a fire.
Key Considerations to Make When Purchasing Tinder
If you’re purchasing tinder for fire, you’re going to want to make sure that it’s something that has a few specific features that will help make it more valuable in the wild. Some of the features that you will want the tinder fire options to have include:
When you’re starting a fire, one of the main issues that some individuals have with getting it started is the wind that is present. With that being said, a tinder option that you can purchase that can help block the wind may be worth investing in.
Water is another thing that often hinders campers from starting a fire. This is an issue that can easily be rectified, especially if you can purchase tinder that will not get wet as you are camping.
Number of Uses
When you’re looking for a good product that you’re going to need to start a fire, it is essential to consider how many uses you will get out of the package. The larger the package that you purchase, the longer it will last. However, this can vary based on the type of tinder that you have, so make sure that you buy enough for your needs.
Having a tinder fire starter is important, but you will want to have something that’s lightweight so that it’s not noticed in your backpack or travel bag. This is especially important when you’re walking to your destination in the woods.
Long Shelf Life
Another important thing to consider when it comes to tinder for fire is the length of time that it will be able to be stored away without being used. When you go camping, you often keep these types of things from one year to the next, so ideally, something that lasts a few years or more will be best.
Easy to Ignite
The idea of having tinder is to make it easier to start a fire when you’re in the wilderness. You’re going to want something that works with several different methods of starting a fire so that you have options when you are in an emergency survival situation.
Final Thoughts
When you’re looking for tinder for fires, there are going to be a lot of different options that you can try that range from natural alternatives to the ones that we have covered in this guide.
We have given you five great options that you should consider for your next camping trip or survival situation, but if we were to select one that stands out above the others, it would be the UST WetFire Tinder.
It is lightweight, versatile, safe to use and it has a relatively long shelf life. It is also designed to be able to light in windy and rainy conditions where a fire could be more challenging to start.

I’m Nebojša, a seasoned digital marketing professional with over 15 years of experience. My writing covers a diverse range of topics, from technology and gaming to app development and automobiles, all while delving into the intricacies of SEO optimization. Beyond the digital realm, I find solace in nature, inherited from my father’s love for the outdoors. His passion for hunting has influenced me, adding another layer to my appreciation for the natural world.