A crossbow is a weapon that has been used since ancient times. It is a powerful weapon that can shoot arrows with great force. Do you know how fast an arrow from a crossbow can travel? If not, then you have come to the right place.
The answer may surprise you. An arrow shot from a crossbow can travel up to speeds of 225 feet per second which are 150 miles per hour, making it a deadly weapon. But, what factors affect how fast an arrow travels? Keep reading to explore more about this interesting weapon.
In this blog post, we will discuss how fast an arrow from a crossbow travel, the factors that affect the speed of an arrow from a crossbow, and how you can increase the speed of your arrows. Let’s get started.
How Fast Does an Arrow Travel From a Crossbow? – AVERAGE SPEED OF AN ARROW
FPS, or “foot per second,” is the unit of measurement used by the majority of arrow manufacturers. This is the amount of ground an arrow will cover in feet per second after being shot.
You might become delighted when you notice the numbers that bow advertisers put on their bows. It will be said that a normal compound bow can shoot arrows at 300–330 fps. To grasp these values, you do need to be familiar with measuring.
The advertised bow speeds are point-blank speeds, which refer to the speed of the arrow as it leaves the bow. This effectively means that actual arrow speeds are substantially lower when they hit the target because we know that arrows lose speed over time in the air.
Testing Standard
The majority of bow makers employ the IBO testing guidelines to ensure uniform testing conditions.
IBO tests are conducted with a 350-grain arrow, a draw length of 30 inches, and a draw weight of 70 pounds. Bow speeds are comparable under these controlled circumstances and based on the measurements taken at the dead center.
Because the speeds were measured under the same circumstances, if you compare a bow that claims to shoot arrows at 330 fps to one that does, you can be sure that the first one will be faster.
The actual speed of your arrows will, however, be substantially less than what is claimed because you will be using the bow at a distance from the target and may utilize a lesser draw weight or draw length.
Factors That Affect The Speed Of An Arrow From A Crossbow
The Draw Weight Of The Bow
When fully drawn, a bow with a larger draw weight can store more energy, which will be transmitted to the arrow and increase its speed.
This implies that your real arrow speed will increase if you shot at a higher draw weight. The general rule of thumb is that increasing your draw weight by 10 pounds will increase the arrow speed by 10–20 fps.
Naturally, not all archers utilize a 70 kg bow given the IBO setup. This implies that your arrow speed will be 30 to 60 fps less than claimed if, for instance, you use a 40 lb bow.
Draw The Length Of The Bow
Your actual arrow speed will also be impacted by your draw length. The further back you pull the string, the more energy is stored in the bow, which is transmitted to the arrow and increases its speed.
This means that if you have a long draw length, your arrow will travel faster than if you have a short draw length. The effect of draw length on arrow speed is commonly calculated to be 10 fps for every inch of draw length.
Arrow Weight
Heavier arrows take more energy to accelerate and will, therefore, travel at a slightly slower speed than lighter arrows. This is because the bow pushes the arrow with the same amount of kinetic energy. Heavier arrows are also more affected by wind resistance, which will cause them to slow down even further.
The general rule of thumb is that you will lose 3 fps for every 10 grains that you add to your arrow weight.
Distance To The Target
The further away your target is, the longer your arrow will be in the air and the more it will slow down. This means that if you are shooting at a target that is far away, your arrow will not travel as fast as if you were shooting at a target that is close by.
How To Increase The Speed Of Your Arrows?
Wondering how you can make your arrows fly faster? Luckily, there are a few simple tricks you can try.
- First, make sure you’re using the right type of bow. A recurve bow is going to be faster than a longbow, for example.
- Second, focus on your form. A good, balanced form will help you shoot faster and more accurately.
- Finally, practice regularly. The more you shoot, the better you’ll get at it and the faster your arrows will fly.
Q: Is it important to know the speed of my arrows?
A: Yes, it is. The speed of your arrows will affect how much damage they do, how far they travel, and how accurate they are.
Q: Does the speed of the arrow impact the effective range?
A: Although faster arrows can cover greater distances, slower, heavier arrows may have a wider effective range. This is because you can shoot more accurately with heavier arrows at farther ranges since they are less impacted by the wind and other environmental factors.
Conclusion paragraph: So, how fast does an arrow travel from a crossbow? The answer is that it depends on some factors. With the right combination of bow, arrow, and shooter, you can achieve speeds of up to 225-330 feet per second. By understanding the factors that affect arrow speed and taking steps to optimize them, you can significantly increase your shooting accuracy and take down your targets with ease.
Now that you know all about how to increase the speed of your arrows, it’s time to get out there and start shooting! Remember to always practice safety when using a crossbow, and have fun testing out your new skills.
We hope you enjoyed this article and found it helpful. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to reach out to us. Thanks for reading!

I’m Nebojša, a seasoned digital marketing professional with over 15 years of experience. My writing covers a diverse range of topics, from technology and gaming to app development and automobiles, all while delving into the intricacies of SEO optimization. Beyond the digital realm, I find solace in nature, inherited from my father’s love for the outdoors. His passion for hunting has influenced me, adding another layer to my appreciation for the natural world.